Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Lutosa Mozzarella Sticks

Lutosa, active in more than 140 countries, is proud of its 45 years of acquired know-how in the potato processing industry.

Besides our extensive range of frozen fries and potato specialties, we are proudly presenting the Lutosa Mozzarella Sticks, the latest addition to our finger food offering.

Lutosa Mozzarella Sticks

Our Mozzarella sticks (+/- 30g) are lightly seasoned and have a delicious cheese taste. They are an indispensable addition to your tapas plate. Made with only real mozzarella cheese, they are irresistible as an appetizer to share with friends or as a gourmet starter.

When fried to perfection, a firm and crispy breading reveals a creamy center that melts in your mouth, offering a comforting and addictive culinary experience.

Zum Pressefach von Lutosa SA

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