Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Aggelakis SA - Poultry company

Founded 60 years ago in Euboea (Greece) by Nikolaos and Panagiota Aggelakis,
the company started out as a small family business that, over the years, has evolved
into one of the country’s leading vertical integrated poultry farms without
sacrificing any of its traditional character and core values.
AGGELAKIS S.A. is a people-centric company focused on quality and sustainability.
From farm to plate, is committed to raising healthy chickens, following the guiding
principles of EU Welfare Regulations, and producing excellent-quality, tasty
and nutritious products with the minimum carbon footprint.
AGGELAKIS is investing heavily in innovation, constantly researching and developing
new, tasty products that fulfil the needs of the contemporary consumer for
top-quality food, healthy ingredients, variety and convenience.
True to its history and tradition for 60 years, with its core values and know-how
handed from generation to generation, the company’s philosophy is focused
on promoting a balanced Mediterranean diet and offering high quality, healthy
and supremely tasty products to consumers around the world.

Zum Pressefach von Aggelakis S.A.

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