Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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PUGLIA IGP Extra Virgin Olive Oil

There is an extra virgin olive oil that can repay the palate of the most beautiful
images of our land. This is Monogram PGI Puglia.
Symbol of the high quality work that loses its tradition over time and holds in
its intense taste the values of earth, the strength of the sun and the sweetness
of the wind. The PGI PUGLIA oil is born from selected Coratina olives, pressed
right after the harvest at very low temperatures. A green colored oil with
golden hues, with aromas of fresh grass, artichoke and tomato. Its mediumintense
flavor is accompanied by the typical bitter and spicy notes that make it
decisive, but well balanced. It is perfect with cruditè, bruschette, fresh cheeses,
red pizza and grilled meats.

Zum Pressefach von Guglielmi Saverio Snc

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