Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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ARSO: Smoked Evoo

Arso, the cold-smoked extra virgin olive oil with beech wood. 

A unique product! Arso is made from our Monocultivar Peranzana, naturally cold pressed.

The secret to obtaining this very high quality smoked oil is a process studied in detail by using a traditional production system that follows the strictest protocols and quality controls.

With the help of master smokers, we studied a recipe which made it possible not to intervene on the identity of the oil, giving aromas of apple and almond, with a caramelized note. A product with pleasant and enveloping aromatic scents that gives dishes new flavors and is ideal for raw use of all types of meat and fish, salad dressings and preparation of sauces, as well as on cheeses and vegetables.

For the smoking process we only use ecological woods, from sustainable forests and non-genetically modified trees.

Zum Pressefach von Guglielmi Saverio Snc

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