Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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KIRLIOGLU A.S. was founded in 1990 as a family company in Nazilli which is the biggest figs growing and producton centre in Turkey. KIRLIOGLU, thanks to its experience in the dried fruit sector and started dried fig & dried aporicots production and marketing in its own plants. Since its foundation, the company has expanded rapidly thanks to the business experience as a grower and a couple of years later totally renewed the initial factory and machine park in compliance with modern food production standards and still constantly expanding today.

           Today KIRLIOGLU A.S. makes production in modern production processes at European standards and hygienic conditions in 40.000 m2 closed area with a modern production plant and experienced staff. The long term target of the company is to have a strong base in the World markets among the best producers worldwide in the area of the fig production.

Zum Pressefach von KIRLIOGLU A.S.

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