Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Naturally crafted acorn-fed ibérico products

Dehesa Barón de Ley is located on a 25-hectare estate with 7,000 square meters of facilities. At an altitude of 725 meters, flanked by mountains of more than 2,000 meters, we enjoy a  special microclimate with mild winters and cool summers, perfect for curing and drying our products in our natural drying facilities with a capacity for 40,000 pieces.

Our production is limited to an annual selection of 3,000 animals of Iberian breed, which are fed exclusively with acorns
The animals enter the Montanera feeding grounds during the months of October and November weighing on average 100kg. During the next 3-4 months, they feed only on acorns to gain 60% of their weight .

Before the Montanera, we gauge the volume of acorn to ensure the animals can feed accordingly. At Dehesa Barón de Ley, each animal requires an average surface of 2 to 3 has. of oak tree forest to complete the process.

We offer a range of Iberian acorn-fed superior category products.

Zum Pressefach von Dehesa Barón de Ley

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