Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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SANTA TERESA GOURMET company was born in 1860 in Ávila, a small medieval town in the centre of Spain as a family-owned bakery named "La Flor de Castilla". Its first success was the "Yemas de Santa Teresa", little sweet egg-yolks that became famous all over the country.

In the 80’s Santa Teresa Gourmet began to produce its unique handmade QUINCE PASTE, elaborated in the traditional way, using only fresh fruit and with no additives or preservatives. Its quality, flavour and packaging innovations revolutioned the quince market.

In the following years Santa Teresa Gourmet has widened the range of products, with traditional Mediterranean foods such as Gazpacho or Hummus, always using selected ingredients 100 % NATURAL, additives and preservatives free.

Our aim is to join INNOVATION and TRADITION to reach the highest QUALITY and the best TASTE in our recipes, targeting the most demanding clients.

Zum Pressefach von YEMAS DE SANTA TERESA S.A.

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