Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Dehydrated peel for pectin & Citrus Fiber

The dehydrated lemon peel for the pectin market, this product has been on the market for years. This product is a
standard and classic of the citrus industry, which means that the quality is the only feature to distingue it from the

Citrus fiber has a tremendous application in the food and beverage market. After years of development, FGF Trapani gathered experience and introduced a new outstanding portfolio of fiber to the sector.
The citrus fiber comes as a clean label opportunity, zero allergenic risk, E-number free, Non-GMO, and also can be
organic or conventional with great funcionality and a unique benefit to human health. 

➔ Meat
➔ Bakery
➔ Dressings and sauces.
➔ Dairy
➔ Juices (RTD and Powder)
➔ Smoothies
➔ Coffee / Mochas

Zum Pressefach von FGF Trapani S.A.

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