Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Our products - Pasta

- A special mixture of flours DURUM and SOFT wheat - makes the pasta less brittle, more elastic and fleshy after cooking.
- 8 classic, most popular forms of pasta: spaghetti, fusilli, penne, small shells, noodles.
- Packaging 400 g – 4 portions.
- Products for traditional Polish soups: 2-egg dumplings, noodles 5-egg, 2-egg tarhonya.
- Packaging 250 g.

- Ingredients: 100% durum wheat flour.
- Available forms: spaghetti, bucatini, fusilli, penne, shells
- Packaging 400 g

- Less caloric than traditional wheat pasta thanks to the high protein and fiber content and low carbohydrate content.
- An ideal alternative for those consumers who want to add vegetables to their diet
- 100% vege, high-protein, with certificate V-label.

- Ingredients: 100% wholegrain spelled, buckwheat rye.
- Wholemeal pasta - a mixture of whole grain flours with a high content of quality durum wheat flour.
- Whole wheat pasta in various forms: feathers, gimlets, spaghetti.

Zum Pressefach von Makarony Polskie S.A.

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