Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Rose De Sable - Growers & Producers of Deglet Nour Dates from Tunisia

Located in the picturesque region of NEFTA, Tunisia, Rose De Sable combines traditional farming practices with modern techniques to cultivate the highest quality Deglet Nour dates. The company's unwavering commitment to quality has been recognized through various certifications, including IFS/BRC/FSSC 22000/ GLOBAL GAP/ EU ORGANIC / USDA ORGANIC/ FAIRTRADE / BIOSUISSE ORGANIC / ORGANIC JAS / KOSHER. These certifications underscore Rose De Sable's dedication to meeting stringent international standards.

Organic agriculture and sustainable rural development are at the core of Rose De Sable's ethos. The company has implemented meticulous methods and techniques to adhere to international organic and fair-trade standards. By prioritizing these principles, Rose De Sable ensures that consumers can enjoy dates that are not only delicious but also produced with utmost care for the environment and local communities.

Rose De Sable's close collaboration with farmers plays a vital role in their success. By providing expertise and necessary control measures, the company ensures that every step of the production process, from cultivation to harvesting and selection, is meticulously executed to guarantee the finest dates.

Zum Pressefach von Rose De Sable SA

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