Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Dried Tomatoes from Tunisia

The Tunisian dried tomato which is characterized by a very good quality, constitutes an original condiment which goes with all the receipts and represents an appetizer for the meals; it is a true greediness, they are concentrated of savors and give a sunny touch in the plates.
Dried tomatoes are obtained by simply drying fresh tomatoes that have been cut and sprinkled with salt in the case of sun-drying. Oven drying is also practiced by some operators. It takes 10 to 12 kg of fresh tomatoes to obtain 1 kg of dried tomatoes, and it is the elongated varieties that are generally suitable for drying. Cherry tomatoes have just become a suitable variety for drying.
In Tunisia, different modes and forms of preparation and presentation are available, for example, dried tomatoes marinated in olive oil or other and which are seasoned with garlic and other aromatic herbs, dried tomato pastes, crushed dried tomatoes with or without sauces, in powders, packaged in boxes or jars of various capacities.
The dried tomato sector in Tunisia is becoming more and more important, with an average of 60,000 tonnes of fresh tomatoes being used annually for the production of dried tomatoes.

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