Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Tea collection from Beta Tea that will warm you up on cold winter days: Beta Fusion

Tea collection from Beta Tea that will warm you up on cold winter days: Beta Fusion With a wide range of products from black tea to green tea, from fruit and herbal teas to World teas, Beta Tea's new tea collection "Beta Fusion", which has recently taken its place on the shelves, is on the cold winter days. It both warms the heart and adds flavor to the day. Turkey's global tea brand, Beta Tea, does not leave tea lovers alone even in winter days. Beta Tea, which prepares teas suitable for the tastes of tea lovers by blending different flavors from each other, becomes the warmest guest of the houses in cold weather with its Beta Fusion collection. The Beta Fusion collection, which is a delightful drink for winter days, integrates black tea, green tea, fruit and herbal teas with different flavors to bring tea lovers together with the colorful world of tea and turns them into a feast of taste. 

Zum Pressefach von BETA GIDA SANAYI ve TICARET A.S.

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