Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Beta Tea continues to be the cultural ambassador of Turkish tea culture

Türkiye, on the other hand, ranks 5th with 250 thousand tons; Beta Tea, whose brands are registered in 184 countries and ranked 12th in the list of the world's largest tea users, is one of the leading brands in the tea industry both in Turkey and in the world. Beta Tea, the first tea brand that introduced Turkey to the cup of tea, continues to be a cultural ambassador of those who live Turkish tea culture in the world, while being the flag bearer of Turkish Tea with Kizildem, Taç Yaprak, Yüksek Tepeler, Bergamot Rüyasi and other varieties. going.
In its tea factory in Trabzon Sürmene, Beta Tea exhibits Turkish tea at international standards, with the exile period starting in May and the harvest period continuing until December, depending on the ecological facility of the Eastern Black Sea Region. At the same time, Beta Tea continues operations that will increase the brand value of Turkish tea by evaluating all processes from the tea culture and the garden to the glass, which has an important value for Turkey.

Zum Pressefach von BETA GIDA SANAYI ve TICARET A.S.

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