Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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TIMS FOODS LTD, Brioche & Bakery Factory

- Company was established in 1991
- Products have a perfect balance between quality and price using the best healthy ingredients with a high level of freshness
- 2 factories (25,000 sqm) are equipped with the latest, most advanced technologies, IFS Higher level certification - Industrial lines are tailor-made to produce the specific, identical and best-selling products, such as: Brioche rolls with filling, Milk rolls, Panettone, Treccia, Mamma`s Cake, Brioche and more.
- Market leader in Bulgaria (according to Nielsen study) and cooperation with leading Retailers in Poland, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Germany, North Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden and more.
- Presence in over 25 countries where we are listed with major retailers
- Comprehensive experience in the production of private labels

Beyond that, the most important thing we have to mention about our company and our products:

- The exceptional freshness and softness of the product throughout the shelf life. This is a know-how that we have been developing and constantly improving for over 20 years.
- Exceptionally competitive prices as a result of investments in industrial technology, the level of salaries and taxes in Bulgaria.
- Recipes that have been developed and improved in collaboration with the most acknowledged companies in bakery field.
- Industrial production guarantees us precision and identity of each produced single piece, without deviations. - for certain countries as well as in Bulgaria we are pioneers in the industrial production of this type of products (for example we have a market share of over 90% according to Nielson for Buns).
- Extremely flexible as a company, we strive to meet the taste preferences of each market.
- Industrial line works only with technical staff, fully automated to the pallet and the fact that it is manufactured specifically for our products gives us dominant advantage in terms of cost on European scale, and not only.
- We use natural yeast and beneficial bacteria that we have developed ourselves and have been growing for over 20 years, which is also a unique know-how.
- All markets in which we operate have growth every year and the partners we work with very quickly see the X factor in the products. Once they reach the shelves the rest is guaranteed.

Zum Pressefach von TIMS FOODS LTD

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