Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Good Food has over 125 recipes for crunchiness

As the producer, we’ve been building our expertise and experience in rice & corn cake extrusion for over 32 years. Our main objective is to bake products without fat, using only natural grains, water, right temperature and pressure.
Annually we produce around 13 000 tons of cakes and deliver them all around the world as private labels and our own brand solutions.

Even though most of our healthy snacks are made from simple ingredients (rice and corn), we’re open to introducing new ways of refining them!

Following food trends, studying consumers’ needs, novelties on shop shelves all around the world, and chasing modern packaging designs – that’s our reality! We know how to gather data and use them to be relevant with our products.

Our extraordinary NPD team is conducting complex implementation processes of new and standard recipes and gathering relevant data from internal sensory panels.

Happy to create
We are happy to create, therefore our products can be:
Salty: flavoured with spices such as paprika, cheese, herbs de Provence or just salt,
Sweet: coated with caramel, fruit juice, chocolate and yoghurt,
From plain grains: corn, rice, veggie, protein, with seeds.

Zum Pressefach von Good Food Products Sp. z o.o.

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