Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Eat Healthy, Live Healthy

SAMS Food, which started its activities in its modern facilities located in Gaziantep 3rd Organized Industrial Zone in 2019, produces healthy snacks, healthy breakfast foods and healthy pulses products, especially gluten-free and vegan products.

Sams Food offers its customers innovative food products, which it produces in accordance with the healthy nutrition trend, which has become a rising value all over the world, under the Glutensiz Fabrika, Loft, Çipo, Çoko Boom brands. In a short period of time, the Glutensiz Fabrika has become a brand loved and insistently demanded by both healthy food product consumers and celiac patients who have to eat gluten-free.

Sams Food prioritizes quality, food safety and hygiene in all processes, from raw material supply to shipment. Sams Food facilities, which carry out their production in accordance with the highest standards in food production, by carefully observing the risk factors 24/7 at all stages, are regularly audited and documented by independent audit institutions.

The healthy snack group includes mainly puffed buckwheat, puffed rice, puffed corn and puffed chickpea products. Healthy snacks, which are consumed by consumers who care about their form and adopt a healthy lifestyle, are offered to consumers in a variety of flavors that appeal to different palates, including plain, black cumin, quinoa and chia, olive-seasonal greens and cocoa.

The healthy breakfast products group includes products such as breakfast cereals, muesli, oatmeal, almond butter and pistachio paste. Sams Food offers healthy alternatives to consumers looking for low-calorie, light and delicious products in their daily breakfast routine.

Packing its products such as buckwheat, raw buckwheat, buckwheat flour, oat flour, oatmeal, chickpea flour, quinoa, quinoa flour in special packages in various weights, Sams Food is also highly preferred in the healthy pulses group category.

Sams Food, which has offered its products for sale in the stores it has opened in its e-commerce site and online marketplaces, keeps up with the technological innovations of the age and ensures that the consumers reach the products they desire in the fastest, most practical and safe way.

Sams Food, whose products are on sale in Turkey's largest chain markets, continues to expand its product range day by day with the importance it attaches to R&D and innovation.

Sams Food believes that happiness depends on maintaining the balance of body, mind and spirit, and this can be achieved with a healthy diet. Producing healthy products in this direction, Sams Food is based on the happiness of all its customers and stakeholders.




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