Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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New 350g Gift Boxes by Walker's Nonsuch Toffees

Specialist family toffee maker, Walker’s Nonsuch, is launching the new 350g gift boxes of toffees in 3 exciting varieties including Assorted Toffees and Chocolate Eclairs, Salted Caramel and lovely Liquorice.

The boxes are all colour coded to each product and with foiled decoration that reflects the quality product inside.  The Walker family have been making toffees since 1894 using just good ingredients like whole milk and butter, and premium chocolates.  Every toffee is twist wrapped in metallised film making them attractive to the eye and ensuring each toffee maintains its freshness and shape.

Sisters Katie and Emma, great granddaughters of the founder Edward Joseph head up the company with fifth generation family members involved too.  Focus remains on making the Walker’s brand, the quality of the toffee and packaging too.

 All Walker’s toffee is free from artificial colours, preservatives, hydrogenated vegetable oils, gluten and they are suitable for vegetarians too.

Tastings every day from Walker’s Nonsuch in Hall 10.2, stand number E050.
See you there!

Zum Pressefach von Walkers Nonsuch Ltd

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