Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Rialto now offers Croutons for SOUPS!

Rialto, a leading specialist in baked croutons, is proud to announce the launch of its innovative line of croutons specifically designed for soups. This exciting development promises to enhance the taste and texture of soups, elevating the dining experience for soup lovers everywhere.

Rialto has long been recognized for its commitment to quality and innovation in the crouton industry, since 1988. With extensive research and development, our team of culinary experts has created a range of croutons that perfectly complement soups of all flavors, bringing an extra dimension to every spoonful.

What sets Rialto's croutons for soups apart is their meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail. Using only the finest ingredients, our croutons are baked to perfection, resulting in a crisp, golden texture that adds a satisfying crunch to each spoonful. The unique flavors and shapes have been carefully curated to pair harmoniously with a wide variety of soup recipes, from comforting classics to contemporary creations.

"We are thrilled to introduce our new croutons for soups to the market," said Tiago Lameiro, Marketing & Sales Manager at Rialto. "We understand that soups are a beloved comfort food for many people, and our goal is to enhance that experience by providing croutons that are specifically designed to complement and enhance the flavors of different soups. We believe that these croutons will revolutionize the way people enjoy their favorite soups."

Rialto's commitment to quality extends beyond flavor and texture. The croutons are made using wholesome ingredients, free from artificial additives, preservatives, and palm oil free. They are also carefully packaged to ensure maximum freshness, maintaining their delightful crunchiness from the first to the last bite.

For more information about Rialto's croutons for soups, please visit our booth @ Anuga and we will be welcome to try out our newest development.

Zum Pressefach von Rialto Indústria Alimentar, Lda

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