Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Product Portfolio of Billur Tuz

Billur Tuz offers a wide range of products in both industrial and table salt categories. The main purpose of the brand is to provide high-quality in the production of salt. As a sub-brand of Billur Tuz, Universalt owns industrial salt category. Universalt is operated in Turkey’s largest salt factory, with a capacity of 250.000 metric tons per year in its modern facilities, and continues to expand its capacity through annual investments. Universalt is mainly specified in refined salt tablets, washed salt tablets, PDV salts and sea salt products. The salt tablets, also known as water softening salts, are specifically designed for use in water softening units, such as in households, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, cleaning facilities, and laundries and further. They consist of high-purity vacuum salt, dissolve easily and residue-free in water, help with regeneration, prevent calcium deposits, and guarantee faultless operation of the ion exchange units.

Food grade PDV salt is a high-purity vacuum salt with 99.8% of sodium chloride content. Adding iodine means that it can be used in various applications, such as the processing of dairy products, spice blends, and baked goods. Besides, it can be used in water purification, animal husbandry, and the beverage industry. Food grade PDV salt enhances flavor, preserves food, and does not contain allergens or GMO ingredients. The high level of purity is achieved through a careful crystallization process and the use of particularly pure and unadulterated brine.

In the Dried Solar Salt category, four different grain sizes of salt are provided. Dried Solar Salt obtained through evaporation in the sun has a higher purity compared to rock salt. It is used in water purification, animal husbandry, food, and beverage industries.

As a market leader in the field of table salt in Turkey, the product scale of the company is widen from refined iodized table salt, crystal sea salt, himalayan salt, refined non-iodized table salt, to 50% sodium-reduced refined non-iodized table salt, iron fortified refined iodized table salt, coarse sea salt for brining, HO-RE-CA table salt, stick iodized table salt. The product variety is processed and packaged by caring international standards and using high quality technology. Packaging sizes are also differentiated according to requests of customers, starting from 1 gram sticks to 1.25 tone Big Bags.

Billur Tuz provide hygienic production and premium taste with the certification of ISO 9001, ISO 22000, TSE 933, TSE EN 973, Halal Food and Kosher.

Zum Pressefach von RAFINE BILLUR TUZ SAN. A.S.

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