Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Neo Foods focus on making plant-based foods to satisfy all the different vegetarians!

In 1957, Mr. Han, the founder of DaChan, established an agricultural product processing factory to manufacture soybean oil and bean cakes, which opened the first page of DaChan's development.

DaChan has many brands, expanding from oil business to food, catering, property management, and also plant based foods. Its operations are all over China and Asia, with more than 65 bases.

Neo Foods focus on how to make plant-based foods to be much more TASTY to satisfy all the different vegetarians or people who look for veggie foods that also based on our love of the environment and animals.

On top of that, Neo Foods, also recognized as the most popular and trusted plant-based foods brand in the QSR & catering industry.

We’ve made it our mission to make food that is craving-worthily, convenient, much healthier and plus uncompromisingly good for vegetarians, pescaterians, pollotarians, or any types of flexitarians!

Here is our product list!


Zum Pressefach von NeoFoods Company Ltd.

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