Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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DaChan's NEO-Braised Veggie Beef Noodle Soup received the three-star awards of iTQi !

It is understood that the criteria for iTQi's evaluation are based on the first impression, vision , olfaction, taste, and texture. DaChan's NEO-Braised Veggie Beef Noodle Soup received a total score of over 90 points, not only earning the highest honor of a "three-star rating" but also becoming the only product in the soup category worldwide to receive a three-star award in 2023. It is worth mentioning that NEO-Braised Veggie Beef Noodle Soup received scores of over 90 in olfaction, taste, and texture, with an impressive score of 93.7 in taste, which can be seen as unanimous recognition from international food experts.

Neo Foods utilizes an innovative and unique technique to simulate the fascia fibers of meat, creating a texture that sets it apart from traditional vegetarian beef alternatives. This technique enhances the meat-like texture and aroma of the plant-based meat, effectively capturing the aroma and juices. The red-braised plant-based beef soup, made by simmering with a combination of vegetables, retains the sweetness and nutrition of the plant ingredients, making every bite a flavorful delight.

Reference: https://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20230612ind002/

Zum Pressefach von NeoFoods Company Ltd.

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