Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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As part of its strategy based on innovation, GIAS INDUSTRIES always seeks to offer a range of products that evolve with consumer needs and contribute to a healthier life, bringing health, growth, and fulfillment.
GIAS INDUSTRIES delivers on its promise to provide every day, every family, with the best products on the market of margarine, spreads, chocolate drinks, confectionery, and juice powders.
To satisfy the needs of its customers, ensure the quality of its products, preserve the environment and ensure the health and safety of its employees, GIAS INDUSTRIES is committed to a process of progress and has embraced an integrated management system in order to :
- Satisfy the needs and expectations of its customers, consumers, and all its relevant stakeholders.
- Ensure the production of safe food products.
- Ensure safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injuries and pathologies.
- Reduce significant environmental impacts to preserve the environment.
- Increase efficiency, reduce costs, and continuously improve our performance
Our management system is certified ISO 9001, ISO 22000, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Our products made in Tunisia are certified HALAL (approved by JAKIM).

Zum Pressefach von BRASLAM (SLAMA GROUP)

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