Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Jia Tien Industrial Co., Ltd was founded in 1973, we are the professional and complete fish manufacturing company which specializes in processing of fish paste (fish surimi) snacks in Taiwan.
For over fifty years, we have dedicated ourselves in the innovation and development of many new products to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Our production and the processing facilities are continuously being improved, we currently have several product lines including Fish Jerky, Fish Snack, and Seaweed Snack.
Our production facilities are accredited by HACCP and ISO 22000 since 1990, and our facilities are continuously being improved.
  For over forty years' experiences of manufacturing fish surimi products, we also OEM for famous bands, such as Korea E-mart, Taiwan ISABELLE, and Taiwan RT-mart. We started our international business since 2004, the export country includes the US, Australia, Brunei, Canada, China, HK, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippine, and Singapore. To export to more countries, we also got the certificate of the US FDA(food and drug administration) and patent and trademark register. 
  Jia Tien stared with traditional fish jerky. We tried our fish paste combined with sesame as sandwiches in 1990. We also developed fish cube with different materials, such as tuna and shrimp. In 1995, we sauteed our fish paste in different sauces such as spicy sauce and black pepper sauce. In Taiwan, our order is about 550,000 KG (five hundred and fifty thousand kilograms) every year. In 2010, we developed Crispy Fish series and Crispy seaweed series which is vegetarian products. In 2020, we tried our fish paste into Fish roll, like the Chinese Egg rolls; and deep-fried fish skin.
  We started our cooperation with Taiwan Costco since 2020. Crispy Almond Fish Snack and Sesame Sandwiched Cod Sheets are our best-selling items. Crispy almond fish snack is based on fresh fish surimi paste as bottom layer, spread the California blue diamond almond and roasted sesame on top, then bake until crispy and tasty. It doesn't contain any artificial flavors, colorful additives, and preservatives; As for Sesame sandwiched cod sheets, it is made by two layer of fish paste filling with roasted sesame. It’s the bakery fish jerky snack full of aroma sesame. Except those two items, We have launched several products at Taiwan Costco in different event.
  With our mature experiences of manifaturing seafood snack, we believe in our tastes and quality. Our goal is to be the trustful manufacturer in this industry and provide the best seafood snacks to our customers.

Zum Pressefach von Jia Tien Industrial Co. Ltd.

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