Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Kilikya Salgam Icecek San. ve Tic A.S.

Our commercial activities were initiated
by Mehmet Nas in 1957.

Since 2006, R & D (Research and
development) work has started with
the investment of ten million dollars
and started to work on the turnip plant
(Fermented Carrot Juice). Since 2007, it
has been operating in the factory located
in Adana Organize Industrial Zone with
a production capacity of 3 million liters
per month on 16.000 m2 open area and
7.500 m2 closed area.

In addition to the leadership in the
production of turnips, sauce and beverage
industry, one of the leading manufacturers
of (Kilikya Salgam) Turnip production
capacity, with plants and export potential
are among the major companies in

Annual production capacity of 36 million
liters of having Turnip of (Kilikya Salgam)
in Turkey with the Turkey market by
providing extensive distribution network
of 9 regional Directorate to 95% serve in
the service. It exports to more than 30
world countries such as Europe, America,
Russia and some Far East countries.
Kilikya Salgam producing also Organic
Turnip juice, Lemon Sauce, Grape
vinegar, Apple vinegar, Balsamic Vinegar,
Pomegranate vinegar, White Vinegar, 100%
Natural Pomegranate Sour, Pomegranate
Sauce, hot Sauce, Special Turnip juice,
Vinegar Sauce, Soy Sauce. It continues
to develop its product portfolio with
comprehensive R & D studies and
innovative product approaches.

Kilikya Salgam that continues works
in line with high quality standards,
customer satisfaction, leadership
position in the market, innovative
perspective, technological infrastructure,
R & D investment with Turkey and the
high-quality and safe products while the
world continues to create an indispensable
beverage habit of turnips.

Zum Pressefach von Kilikya Salgam Icecek

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