Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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The "SUSTEM" Campaign

The EU financed campaign "SUSTEM" aims to promote PDO/PGI wines, PDO cheeses, PDO olives and olive oil and other delicious European foodstuffs to consumers in Italy, Germany and Sweden. The objective is to increase the awareness for these premium products and for their sustainable production methods. The participating organizations are Agronutritional Cooperation of the Region of Central Macedonia (ACRCM) from Greece, the United Winemaking Agricultural Cooperative of Samos from Greece and Enoteca Regionale Emilia Romagna (ERER) from Italy and they are all dedicated to complying with the strict regulations of the European Green Deal and the From Farm to Fork Strategy. The EU system of PDO/PGI is also an integral part of the participating organizations' commitments. PDO and PGI products represent the excellence of European agricultural food production and are both the result of a unique combination of human and environmental factors that are characteristic of a specific territory. For more information about the EU financed "SUSTEM" campaign please visit the following website https://sustem.eu/

Zum Pressefach von SUSTEM

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