Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Company Information

SEZGIN SAYAR GIDA LTD. STI, which was established and launched by Sezgin Ömer Sayar in 2017 at the territory of Gemlik / Bursa, became one of the leading companies within the Turkish food industry along with its wide product range by acting in sales and distribution all over Europe via “Sezgin Sayar GmbH”, which is our affiliate established in Düsseldorf/Germany.

Sezgin Sayar GmbH serves Europe wide as an innovative, reliable and highly appreciated Turk originated German company since it was established on the rudiment of long-term thinking along with esteeming in a duty to bring the countries and people closer.

Our powerful distribution network inspires confidence in ever fresh and high qualified products whereby we constantly expand our product range in line with the market conditions and customer demands, adhered to consciousness of customer-oriented growth.

Thanks to its professional business approach, diligent and expertized team, equipment, technologically developed infrastructure, quick distribution network and strong logistics associations, our company enhances its customer portfolio continuously by conferring patronage upon its brand equity in consumers mind and by committing to quality, high level service standard and continuous improvement consciousness

We produce customer expectations focused goods with care and quality, along with delivery at the right place, at the right time by believing; “Merchandises become brands only then, when they are hearty and good”. We give non-stop effort to become a steady and profiting company in growth, along with high social responsibility and environmental awareness, constant improvement and by respecting the laws and business ethics in honesty via contemporary production techniques and administration methods.

Zum Pressefach von Sezgin Sayar Gida Ltd. Sti.

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