Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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“On the spoon”: the sweetest expression of Fusero milk

The goodness of products of Azienda Agricola Fusero is born from the love for nature: the authenticity and sustainability of the supply chain at meter 0 comes from the respect of those who grew up and live as farmers.
The third generation of the Azienda Agricola Fusero cultivates the fields and rears the Frisone with a look both to the future and to the past using cutting-edge tools and techniques only to give new life to timeless teachings.

The agricultural dessert line “on the spoon” is the sweetest expression of Fusero milk. A line of creamy sweetness in single portion version that contains the unique quality of the raw material combined with delicious elements.

Zum Pressefach von Filiera Fusero S.S. Agricola

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