Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Unlock Deep-Sea Delights! Anuga Cologne Food Exhibition Invites You to Explore an Exclusive Seafood Collection!

Dear Food Adventurer, the 2023 Anuga Food Exhibition in Cologne, Germany, is set to make a thrilling appearance from October 7th to October 11th, igniting a brand-new wave of exploration! As a leader in the food and beverage industry, Baby Star, driven by an unwavering passion for gourmet cuisine, sincerely invites you to join this dazzling feast for the sight and taste.


As a pioneer in Western-style appetizers in China, offering products such as breaded vegetables, onions, and sweet potatoes, Baby Star is dedicated to creating healthier, more delicious, affordable, and tailored Western snacks for the Chinese palate. Baby Star is born out of love and embraces the essence of love and food, leading you on a journey full of surprises and culinary delights.


On this globally acclaimed culinary stage, Baby Star will present an exclusive seafood series, taking you deep into the splendid allure of the deep sea, revealing the culinary secrets hidden beneath the ocean's depths. Taste the exquisite flavor of salt and pepper squid strips, lose yourself in the freshness of naturally-cut calamari rings, and savor the delicate tenderness of deep-sea cod fillets. In addition, Baby Star's signature products, the Sweet Potato and Onion series, also launched their unique snacks. The American-style sweet potato fries combine the crispiness of traditional fries with the sweetness and softness of sweet potatoes, which melts in your mouth and leaves a lingering taste on your lips, bringing a rich taste experience. The naturally cut onion rings are delightfully crispy, with a unique freshness that keeps fans coming back for more.


The exciting prologue of the exhibition is about to unfold, and we eagerly anticipate meeting you at the Cologne International Exhibition Center in Germany. This will be the convergence of food and innovation, a vibrant stage where we can share our passion and convey the joy of flavors with you.


Don't miss out on this culinary extravaganza, all at the Anuga Cologne Food Exhibition in Germany! Let us step into the world of gastronomy together, savor, explore, and experience the endless charm of this culinary journey!


Zum Pressefach von Comfortly Food (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.

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