Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Our Story

Our company, which has food experience since 1988, started to be managed by the 2nd generation under a legal structure in 2001. Our company, which started production in 2018, continues its activities in an indoor facility of 6,500 m2 in Antakya Organized Industrial Zone with a canned meat capacity of 360 pieces per minute, in addition to this, with its technological machinery for chilled and frozen meat production.

We aim to offer delicious LunchOne and Mortella brand products that we have developed in our facility, which aims to present the best product in the best way with innovative works, to all people of the world. In order to achieve this goal, we, as the Akdeniz Entegre family, carry out our work at high standards with our 220 personnel.


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