Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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ALTAS OIL INDUSTRY "The tale of flavour, streching from fertile lands to your kitchen."

Adventure of the Altas Group of Companies which started in 1957 extends to Cotanak, which is one of the most respectable and most preferred oil brands of Turkey.
In a self-confident approach on healthy life and quality products, customer satisfaction has been kept in the forefront at all times.

The company carries on all its operations in accordance with nationally and internationally accepted standards. It places utmost importance on food safety, quality control and hygiene in the production process.

Having a production approach with a focus on future customer requirements, Cotanak targets development and innovation at all times. It aims at offering different options to consumers through innovative products and packaging. In addition, using environmentally friendly production and packaging methods it works for a sustainable future as well.

Our facility is a fully integrated oilseed processing plant built on 101 decares of land.
Oilseeds are stored in our horizontal and vertical warehouses.

The process of pressing oil seeds by mechanical pressing and obtaining crude oil by solvent extraction takes place in our crude oil unit.

The crude oil obtained is refined by physical or chemical refining processes and made edible Filling and packaging processes of vegetable oils produced as edible oils are carried out in closed systems and automatic machines without touching hands.

Zum Pressefach von Altas Yag Su Ve Tarim Urunleri Gida

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