Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Canned fruit factory-Shandong Tiantong Food Co., Ltd

Shandong Tiantong Food Co. Ltd is a leading Chinese manufacturer of canned & frozen fruits and vegetables with over 40 years of experience in the industry. We are now one of the most trusted packers in the world. Our company is successfully listed in HKEx on Jul 07,2015, stock code HK.6836.

  Our factory is around 100,000 square meters in size, and it is equipped with the latest production facilities. The annual capacity of canned products is 25,000 tons, and in the case of frozen products we have a capacity of 5,000 tons. Our products are found all over the world.

  Quality is always of the utmost importance at Shandong Tiantong Food Co. Ltd. We have been accredited with the highest international certificates – BRC A grade and IFS Higher Level and other certificates such as ISO22000, HACCP, HALAL, KOSHER, FDA. Our reputation has been built on a consistent dedication to quality delivered by our professional management team and hard-working staff.

  We pride ourselves on providing an efficient, reliable, and flexible service. In particular, we offer the ability to respond to the specific requirements of individual customers. We are driven by the consumer and deliver results through a close partnership with our customers based on continuous innovation.

  Our range of fruit & vegetable products encompasses retail, food service, and manufacturing across branded and private labels. We are delighted to present here our latest product list. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information, specifications, or samples.

Zum Pressefach von Shandong Tiantong

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