Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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A Valencian man is accused of cooking a 'rather bland' paella in the new Arroz Dacsa campaign.

 The verdict' is the name of this humorous short film that turns Sunday paella into a real trial.

Valencia, 15 February 2023. The brand Arroz Dacsa presents its new ad campaign for 2023, which uses humour and irony to highlight a reality that is repeated every Sunday in most Valencian homes: when it comes to paella, everyone has an opinion. This short fiction film shows the case of a Valencian man who is taken to court by his brother-in-law, accused of making a paella that is 'a bit bland'. This somewhat surreal metaphor is born out of an extremely everyday situation, with the intention of breaking a lance for all those people who every weekend strive to make their best paella, facing the criticism and joking comments of their family and friends. Because making paella takes a lot of pressure.

The campaign has once again been created by the Kids agency, which has been in charge of the brand's communication since 2016. In the words of Jorge Herrero, one of the agency's creative directors, 'we have tried to reflect the enormous pressure that the person in charge of cooking Sunday paella is under'. He adds that 'as defenders of authentic rice, it is our duty to pay tribute to all the brave men and women who give their all in front of the fire, while the rest enjoy their beer while swimming in the pool. We had to do it justice'. From the brand's Marketing Department, Lorena Lázaro points out that 'the creative demand is greater every year, and that has led us to become a benchmark within the sector. We are clear that, in order to grow as a brand, we must take risks, and we are very proud of the bond we have built with our consumers'.

The Verdict' can be seen and heard on local television and radio, digital media and outdoor advertising. It will consist of different actions throughout the year, with a special focus on Fallas and Magdalena, where the brand will transfer the concept of the campaign to a popular vote to choose the public's favourite Falla and Gaiata, with a special prize for the winners.

Rice with D.O. Valencia

Arroz Dacsa is the leading producer of rice with the Valencia Denomination of Origin, a quality seal that certifies the origin and provenance of Valencian rice, and the first to obtain the Natural Product of L'Albufera seal, awarded by the Regional Ministry of Infrastructure, Territory and the Environment.

The Regulatory Council of the D.O. Valencia is the public entity in charge of certifying this quality seal for the varieties of rice and their production process and certifying that the rice has been grown and harvested by local farmers in the surroundings of the Albufera Natural Park or the Marjal de Pego-Oliva Natural Park and contributes to the care of the environment. D.O. Valencia rice, in addition to being Valencian, is an excellent conductor of flavour due to its high level of absorption.

Zum Pressefach von Dacsa Group

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