Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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700 Indonesian consumers visit Erom Natural Raw Meal factory in Chuncheon

Erom, a company which specializes in healthy food, has unveiled its production line for Erom Natural Raw Meal and its research and development institution in Chuncheon to multinational global business executives and overseas consumers.

Major employees of PT KK Indonesia and about 700 consumers of the product from Indonesia visited the Erom Chuncheon plant this month to observe the production process.

Erom Natural Raw Meal products by Dr. Hwang Sung-ju have received good consumer feedback and are continuously being mentioned on social media platforms in Indonesia.

The Erom Natural Raw Meal plant in Chuncheon is the first factory in the natural raw meal industry to achieve the HACCP certification for its entire process.

To ensure all Indonesian consumers arrived in Korea on time, a total of 10 aircraft were used. The consumers also visited Nami Island and Mt. Seorak, which boosted the local economy.

An Indonesian official participant in the tour said, “By observing the actual Natural Raw Meal production, after imaging it while consuming the product, I am now able to visually confirm the perfect manufacturing system of Erom is as expected and it is a great opportunity for us to have strong trust in them.”

Mr. Hong Jong-il, the CEO of Erom Global said, “It is a significant moment of gaining recognition in overseas markets with domestically well-recognized Erom Natural Raw Meal products. It is proven that Erom has potential for further growth as a global company,” adding that “Erom considerably considers and values social contribution and will continue to take an active part in mutual development with Gangwon Province.”

Zum Pressefach von Erom Global Co.,Ltd

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