Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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SERTOP – Polnischer Hersteller von Schmelzkäse

SERTOP Ltd. has been in existence for over sixty years, and is one of the largest manufacturers of a number of processed cheeses in Poland. We operate on the domestic and international market. The company holds the BRC Global Standard Certificate. It is also authorised to export goods to the EU. Sertop distributes its products through most of retail chains in Poland, and exports processed cheese to over than 21 countries, e.g.: USA, Canada, Czech republic, Germany or Bulgaria. We offer consumers a wide range of processed cheese.
A well proven manufacturing technology, traditional recipes, the best raw materials and strict control at each production stage guarantee high product quality. The products do not contain preservatives and have an exceptional and refined flavour obtained by using only natural additives. Cheese is rich in easily assimilated proteins, mineral salts, vitamins and microelements. All products of the company are made of the high quality dairy raw materials and their suppliers are selected according to strict criteria. A wide range of flavours, for example smoked chicken, ham, salmon, pepper, mushroom, sunflower, garlic, chives, gives the opportunity to satisfy various preferences of consumers. Proven production technology guarantees the health safety of products and in combination with a properly selected type of packaging extends the ability to store products, in some ranges even up to 180 days, without the need for preservatives. All this makes SERTOP processed cheese products an excellent food product for the whole family.

Zum Pressefach von Sertop Sp.z.o.o.

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