Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Since 2019, NATURAL FOOD S.R.L. (DBA: NATURAL FOOD ARGENTINA) has been putting its best foot forward towards expanding its reach. As a company that harvests, manufactures, and exports the dried fruits it offers; the synergy and sharpness of all the links that constitute its chain, is key. 

With over 400 Ha of their own plantations, being the last 30 Ha grafted and planted this year, it's on fast-paced road to becoming one of, if not the, Latin America's largest integrated companies. Which, simmultaneusly and in turn, has allocated part of its platations to bring innovation to the region and to the field. By conditioning 250 Ha out of its 400 Ha of plantations for Dry-On-Vine, a method widely used and developed in California (US) for deying fuits, it's also becoming a trail blazer on the local and regional dried fuits' industry. 

Alongside expansion, NATURAL FOOD ARGENTINA has been directing its efforts to continiously improving the quality of the products it offers. Their Production and Quality Assurance departments are, currently, working together on implementing internationally-certified analyses into their own chains of command in order to guarantee, without the intervention of third-party institutions (labs), the meeting of international quality stantards. These will not only will assure that the final products are up-to-standards but also 

Wich will, at the same time, grease and polish the integration of all the links that make the chain integrates this company together: from crop, to box. 

It's certain that measures and steps have, are, and will keep being for NATURAL FOOD ARGENTINA to become a leading company for Argentina's dried fruits' market.  

Zum Pressefach von NATURAL FOOD S.R.L.

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