Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Welcome to the main company specialized in beef offal

We specialize in beef offal. We are professionals in this business for more than 60 years, and our know-how was the key that has turned our Company into the most important one in the World in its field. 
We are present in the most competitive markets around the world, satisfying the needs of different segments such as industries, producer plants, wholesalers, supermarkets and distributors.
We offer more than 100 products of different lines: raw, cooked and scalded. These are suita­ble for human consumption, petfood, pharma­ceutical use and thermotreatment. 
We have a model plant of 60,000 m2. We export 7.000 tons/month, with production lines for 600 tons/day, and a storage capacity of 10.000 tons.

Zum Pressefach von Offal Exp S.A.

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