Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Traditional Spanish Tapas - Gourmet Croquettes

Croquetas Ricas was born to be a reference for gourmet handmade Croquettes, traditionally made so that you don´t have to bother making them for your business.

We specialise in Croquettes, we test every single batch to make sure it’s perfect, our bechamel is made with love and care to guarantee the creamiest products possible. We are the best spanish croquettes producer with the highest quality tapa for your company.

Our Croquettes are very creamy inside and crunchy on the outside, which is what makes a delicious result.

Our bechamel is made with natural, top quality products. An artesanal production of flour, milk and butter that makes the base of the product, that’s our secret.

The ingredients that we use are of the highest quality, which we guarantee by only working with well known suppliers in their sectors.

Our flavours:

Traditional croquettes with milk and butter:

- Iberian ham croquettes
- Cod croquettes
- Porcini (Boletus) croquettes
- Confit Leek With Dates And Carrots
- Prawn Garlic croquettes

Plant-based croquettes (100% vegetables)

- Not chorizo croquettes
- Pumpkin croquettes

Zum Pressefach von Croquetas Ricas

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