Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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PHZ KASOL - Tradition, experience, modern technology

KASOL - "Wald Schatz" existing since 1984, is a dynamically developing company with traditions, which is the leader of the Polish market in the field of purchase, processing and sale of undergrowth : mushrooms, forest fruits and cultivated mushrooms. Our products :
-mushrooms in jars,cans,
-frozen fruits,
-canned fruits,
-dried mushrooms,
-frozen mushrooms.
Under the Leśne Skarby/Forest Tresure/Wald Schatz brand, they are present in most of the leading retail chains in Poland and Europe.

Many years of experience, qualified staff, as well as constant control over the quality of raw materials, modern machinery and the use of the latest global technological solutions allow us to provide our customers with products of the highest quality, in accordance with current norms and standards of the European Union. In our production plant we conduct systematic internal inspections in accordance with the HACCP concept. We also hold the IFS- International Food Standard certificate. Our products have attestations and certificates of origin and are properly prepared for transport.

Our products are available in many European countries such as : Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Ukraine and outside Europe : Canada ,Israel, Japan, Australia, Egypt ,Nigeria and Brazil.

Zum Pressefach von PHZ Kasol - J.A. Kazberuk-Waldschatz

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