Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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CIHAN General Trading Company

Cihan was originated in Iraq and established in 1992 under the Cihan group of companies operating since 1947.

Cihan is the top tea exporter from Sri Lanka for the global market. And has been a successful and biggest producer and exporter with Akbar Brothers in Sri Lanka. The Company is also the largest and leading importer of variants Indian Rice in the market,

Cihan is the most reputable and trusted brand in the market for both divisions of Food and Hygiene Products, In addition to top Tea and Rice importer, Cihan also offers a diverse array of food and hygiene products. which includes Milk powder, Pulses, Vegetable Ghee, Sunflower Oil, Tomato Paste, and Flour. And in our hygiene divisions includes Baby Diapers, Soaps, and Detergents products.

 Cihan covers the global market around the world like the USA, UK, Australia, Germany, Russia, Turkey, UAE, Qatar, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and many more countries. including "Iraq”


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