Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Pressefach von TrendyTop Sp. z o.o.

10.1 A26
TrendyTop Sp. z o.o.
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Krzysztof Bojdol
3 Maja 30A Loc7.1
44-200 Rybnik
Trendy Top is the most modern plant which provides co-packing services, consisting of packing food products such as croutons, granola, mixes of cereals and muesli, chocolate shavings or dragees into separate mini containers that are placed on the top of the products such as yoghurts, desserts, fruit puree or soups. Key advantages: - We meet the highest quality standards (certified according to the following standards: BRC, BIO, UTZ, RSPO), therefore we are prepared to serve the most demanding customers - We carry out all processes in house, that is why we control every single stage of production - We offer individual and proactive approach to each project - We work only with suppliers from the European Union belonging to the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) - We are innovative and environment friendly (new recipes, new “eco” materials) - We follow market trends We invite you for cooperation with Trendy Top!

Vorhandene Pressemitteilungen

Top-Cup Classic_jpg.png
Aussteller: TrendyTop Sp. z o.o.

Top-Cups (toppers), Freitag, 4. August 2023, 14:23, 470 Zeichen

Top-Cup On the Way_jpg.png
Aussteller: TrendyTop Sp. z o.o.

Top-Cups (toppers) “On the way”, Freitag, 4. August 2023, 14:23, 371 Zeichen

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