Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Introducing Al Malaky Royal's Ginger Brew, an extraordinary and revitalizing drink that provides a natural energy boost, minus the alcohol. Crafted from 100% natural elements, this exceptional concoction combines the richness of pure ginger juice, the tanginess of fresh lemon juice, and the crispness of healthy, natural carbonated water – all without any preservatives. With a remarkable two-year shelf life, Ginger Brew stands as a testament to healthier choices.
Delight in the harmonious symphony of refreshment and invigoration that Ginger Brew brings. This versatile elixir can be savoured on its own, offering a burst of flavour and energy, or it can be a unique addition to your mojitos, lending an alcohol-free twist to your favourite cocktails. Encased in convenient ready-to-drink cans, Ginger Brew is an excellent choice for those seeking a refreshing alternative without alcohol. Whether enjoyed on its own or mixed into creative concoctions, Ginger Brew is the epitome of elegance and healthfulness, ideal for serving over ice. Elevate your beverage experience with a drink that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also supports your well-being. As with all our products, the advanced precision of fully automatic production lines ensures consistent quality and excellence. Embrace the goodness of Ginger Brew and embark on a journey of exquisite Flavors and vitality.

Zum Pressefach von Al Malaky Foodstuff Packing LLC

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