Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Introducing the Al Malaky Royal Ginseng SHOT High Strength Korean Ginseng Extract – a groundbreaking product designed to effortlessly enhance your nutritional intake. With a 100% natural composition and no artificial colors or preservatives, this potent and delectable shot offers a convenient solution for boosting your energy and overall health. Experience the perfect blend of raw honey, pomegranate, ginger juice, and red ginseng that brings a natural sweetness to every sip. Elevate your vitality with a single shot each day, packed with high-strength Korean ginseng extract. This power-packed concoction not only invigorates your senses but also leaves you feeling empowered and fulfilled. The Al Malaky Royal Ginseng SHOT is your passport to harnessing the potential healing properties of ginseng, all in a hassle-free manner. Tailored to ensure accessibility, the Red Ginseng Shot contains a curated mix of all-natural ingredients, providing a wellspring of energy to fuel your day. 

Zum Pressefach von Al Malaky Foodstuff Packing LLC

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