Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Anassa Organics - Packaging for HoReCa

Anassa Organics selects some of the most exquisite Greek herbs, flavours and scents of superb quality. We also serve the HoReCa channel, in a package that contains 90 Enveloped Herbal tea sachets, which is ideal for hotel rooms, breakfast buffets, coffee shops, bars & restaurants. 

The availiabilities are:
A. Organic Monoherbal:

3. MINT 

B. Organic Herbal Blends:

1. PURE HAPPINESS :  Delicious blend of herbs characterized by rich aroma and delicious taste. Ideal ‘marriage’ of fine peppermint, intense sage, savory mountain tea and lemony balm.

2. PURE PROTECTION : A Greek remedy blend for flu prevention and recovery, a delicious herbal tisane, 
one that warms you up, boosts your immune system, and clears your head.

3. PURE SYMMETRY : A wonderful concoction, ideal for people on a diet. Exquisite aroma, delicious taste.

4. PURE FRESHNESS : A combination blend of vibrant organic herbs, gathered from rich, fertile soils. Full potential of nature’s goodness, freshness and relaxation. 

5. PURE PEACE : Lovely after-dinner tea combining great taste and the calm strength of five herbs known for their beneficial properties. 

Zum Pressefach von ANASSA ORGANICS

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