Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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We collect dried figs in our region, where the best quality and most delicious of the
world are grown, driectly form the grovers by choosing carefully and make the qualiyt
control with our experienced and specialist staff. Then we make the procesing and packing
vork in a hygienic environment in accordance with our quality and health certificate and
present the liking of our worth customers in the select shops in domestic and external
Sare Figs, with its professional team and determined attitude towards the
institutionalization, processes dried figs in its modern plant having 10.000 sqm closed area
in Nazilli where is the dried fig center of Aegean region. With a daily capacity of 8-12 tons,
the fırm presents its safe products to the market without giving concession from the
guality, thanks to the ISO 22000 - 2005 quality systems and
with a costomer satisfaction, oriented, rapid, disciplined and honest mind.

Zum Pressefach von Sare Incir Gida

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