Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Protein Bar Delight 20g protein, Cookies and Cream, 60g | Aussteller auf der Anuga 2023

Protein Bar Delight 20g protein, Cookies and Cream, 60g

Multi-layered protein bar - a perfect combination of sugar-free milk protein cream and crunchy crisps, certified non-GMO, enrobbed with milk chocolate. An indulging snack filled with a homey flavour of cookies and cream. The protein bar is packed with 20g protein and is a source of fibre, which gives a feeling of satiety and aids digestion. It does not contain preservatives, artificial flavors, sweeteners and colorants. With long-lasting softness and taste like no other.

20g milk protein
No added sugar
No palm oil
With collagen peptides
Source of fibre
Stevia sweetener
176 Vasil Aprilov 176
4027 Plovdiv
Halle 2.2 | B019