Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Masterpan 3in1 | Aussteller auf der Anuga 2023

Masterpan 3in1

Introducing MASTERPAN 3in1: a game changer in the world of bakery ingredients. Specially formulated for XXL Toast, XXL Sandwich and XXL Hamburger Breads, this innovative product delivers exceptional and unique results!


Combining the power of dry yeast, bread improver, and a UNIQUE FORMULATION of MASTERPAN 3in1 guarantees outstanding finished products. Experience it!


No need for additional improvers. MASTERPAN 3in1 has got you covered!
Calle Císter 1 2A
29015 Málaga
Halle 2.2 | E053