Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Pressefach von Nina Bakery Europe B.V.

4.1 B81
Nina Bakery Europe B.V.
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Derde Bolvennerweg 1
6102 RM ECHT
Since 1936 the Nehmeh family produces pita bread following family recipe. A stone oven baked pita, produced in a traditional way, in a slow baking process, Clean Label and produced with the best quality. The Nina Family Story starts with Nasri Nehmeh, who founded Nina Bakery in Haifa-Palestine, back in 1936. Twice he had to build his pita bakery from scratch. He combined both his skills, as a baker and as a blacksmith, so in 1958 he patented his invention of a cyclical automatic oven. By the time it was 1964, Nasri had fully automated his production line. Nasri put his heart and soul into his business and nowadays, the 2nd generation Nehmehs , represented by his children, does the same. They follow their father’s mission to produce the best artisan pita on earth. The business named after Nasri’s daughter Nina, is lead with the same passion as by the founder.

Vorhandene Pressemitteilungen

Anne Jannes-9790s_jpg.png
Aussteller: Nina Bakery Europe B.V.

Nina pita Za'atar cocktail, Samstag, 1. April 2023, 00:00, 696 Zeichen

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