Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Pressefach von Ticaret ve Sanayi Kontuvari T.A.S. /

11.1 E62
Ticaret ve Sanayi Kontuvari T.A.S. /
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Öznur Oral
Sanayi Caddesi 76
35100 Izmir
Our passion for olive oil started in 1938 when Anthony Micaleff, one of the members of the Micaleff Family, started the production of olive oil in İzmir, and obtained its corporate identity in 1945 with the approval of the Council of Ministers. In those years, the top priority of economic development and growth policies initiated immediately after the establishment of the Republic of Turkey was to bring the domestic private capital into the economy. For this reason, our company was established by the approval of the Council of Ministers in 1945 and entitled by the title of T.A.Ş. (i.e. Türk Anonim Şirketi meaning Turkish Joint Stock Company). Since then, we have been carrying this title with great honor and pride. Kristal, being Turkey’s first branded olive oil and having pioneered and served to flourish and develop olive oil culture especially in Anatolia for generations, is a very valuable brand, it has been even more than a brand. In 1950s, while olive oil was mainly consumed in Aegean and Marmara Regions, which are the olive oil production areas, Kristal had been a pioneer company introducing and adopting the habit of consuming olive oil among Turkish people in Anatolia. Kristal is a company of firsts; it is the first brand that produced olive oil and launched its olive oil product range in tin packaging, as well as it is the first company that exported packed and branded olive oil in Turkey. Kristal owes its strong position in the food industry to its corporate management approach, qualified and dedicated workforce, innovation and continuous improvement. The company's short and long term plans include strengthening its position in the world markets and improving production quality and efficiency. Kristal exports olive oil to more than 35 countries today. Representing Turkish olive oil proudly in many export markets, Kristal ownes a reputable brand name especially in the European countries where ethnic food markets high in number.
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