Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Pressefach von NANUK NV

5.1 C48
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Theuninck Amandine
Warandenstraat 10
7700 Mouscron
15 yummy plant-based mousses Nanuk’s R&D department has already developed 15 delicious plant-based mousses till now. The first plant-based mousse was indeed the mousse based on the famous Belgian chocolate. Afterwards this experience was used to develop the other flavors. Our range of plant-based mousses can be split into two categories: nostalgic flavors such as mocha, speculoos, almond and pistachio mousses and exotic flavors such as mango, passionfruit and lime mousses. Our plant-based mousses are vegan and allergen-free which means no lactose, no egg, no cholesterol and no gluten. We only use top-quality ingredients in our recipes to be able to deliver the consumer a unique alternative with good taste, great consistency and natural color. Our lovely mousses are also the basis for the future devopment of our plant-based cakes. In 2024 we would like to progress on our plant-based cheesecakes and meringue pies. In the long run Vecuisine will have a full range of plant-based desserts to suggest to its flexitarian and vegan audience.
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