Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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8.1 D89
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
bilge Ercan
Cumhuriyet Mah. Cemil Ercan Cad. Beypazari 89/A
06730 Ankara
Located in Ankara, Beypazari Natural Mineral Water Company is one of the leading natural mineral water producer in Turkey selling a large range of food & beverage worldwide. The company was established in 1957 and it has developed itself with permanent investments trough modernization since 1980. Our production comprises natural mineral water and mineral water with fruit flovers. Beypazari fruit flovered products have 10 types, namely natural apple, natural lemon, natural cherry, natural lemon with C vitamin, natural mandarin, natural pomegranate, natural strawberry, natural strawberry-watermelon, Black Mulberry & Black currant, Mago & Pineapple for now. Also we have gazoz. We have the ability to manufacture 300.000 non- returnable bottles of water per hour in a hygienic environment with our 65 years experience in our sector. We have sufficient experience and know-how in beverage industry. Our duty is to provide the best service to our customers in accordance with their needs and expectations. All our efforts are towards providing best service to our customers and to add value to our products. This way, we achieve our highest aspiration which is to earn the satisfaction and support of our clients around the world. Our production comprises natural spring mineral water and fruit flavoured mineral water. fruit flavoured mineral water in 200 ML bottle size.

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